STOP Hacks at L2 Sequencers

STOP (Sequencer Threat Overwatch Program) leverages Phalcon's attack detection engine to block attacks at the sequencer level for L2 chains, ensuring secure and confident user engagement.

How It Works


Hack Detection

Precise Attack Intelligence

After two years of refinement, our system boasts near-zero false positives. 

Efficient Screening In Milliseconds

Transactions are detected in milliseconds, with thousands processed in parallel, ensuring no impact on L2 processing speed.


Does not alter the original sequencer architecture or introduce any new attack vectors.


Hack Blocking

STOP Hacks at the Sequencer Level

Each L2 transaction will go through the attack detection engine before being included in L2 chains. The malicious ones will be put into quarantine, and others will go to the mempool of the sequencer.

Security Dashboard

Case Study

Revolutionizing L2 Chains

Building Intrinsic Security from Sequencers

In addition to the STOP product, BlockSec offers comprehensive services tailored for L2 chains

Connect with us for a demo and secure your L2 chains