
Ensuring a Secure
and Seamless Web3 World

Full-Stack Blockchain Security Service Provider

Uniswap Foundation
Compound Finance
Polygon ZKEVM
EOS Network Foundation
Polyhedra Network
NEAR Foundation
Alpaca Finance
VVS Finance
Meta Pool
Lista DAO
Mage Finance
Pre-launch Security

Security Code Auditing Service

  • Comprehensive audits for smart contracts and EVM chains
  • Thorough audits covering technical, business, and financial aspects
  • Professional reports with actionable solutions for every issue identified in our audits
  • Superior audit quality drives high client satisfaction and helps our clients win their users' trust
See Representative Audit Reports
Post-Launch Security


A Platform to Monitor and Block Hacks

Gain Early Access to Precise Attack Intelligence

Early Detection:Cover Mempool and on-chain transactions, monitor for malicious proposals and contracts, and more.

Precise Detection:Leverage DeFi semantics and AI algorithms to achieve high precision.

Attack Intelligence
Blocking with Customized Actions
Automated Attack Blocking with Customized Actions

Automated Actions:Implement swift and automatic responses to threats.

Multi-Signature Support:Enable automated actions with multi-signature wallets.

Transaction Sending Strategy:Utilize private RPC, gas bidding, and set gas price limits to counteract attacks.

No-Code, Flexible Monitoring Rules Configuration

Ease of Use:Monitor transactions, functions, events, and variables easily without the need for coding.

Pre-Set Templates:Access a variety of monitoring templates covering major security issues for protocols including Lending, DEX, Restaking, Liquid Staking, etc.

Flexible Monitoring Rules
Both Security and Operational Monitoring
Meet Both Security and Operational Monitoring Requirements

Comprehensive Monitoring:Keep an eye on changes to admin keys, role grants, key variables, contract upgrades, time lock, new proposals and price oracles.

Diverse Notification Channels:Receive alerts through multiple channels including webhooks, Telegram, Slack, email, and more.

Phalcon Toolset

Phalcon Explorer
Phalcon Explorer

Dive deeply into transactions to act wisely

Learn more
Phalcon Fork
Phalcon Fork

Collaborative testing on mainnet forked chains

Learn more

Three Steps to Navigate Phalcon

1Add protocol
The protocols you build or invest in
The smart contracts on which the above protocols depend
2Add monitor
Built-in early and precise attack detection engine to identify malicious transactions
Various monitoring rules to screen transactions using rich templates
3Add action
Configure automated actions for different scenarios
Support for an exclusive gas bidding strategy


Crypto Tracking and Investigation Platform

Gain immediate support with intelligent analysis, cross-chain investigation, and real-time monitoring


Unveil hacker identities by matching transactions in anonymous cryptocurrency exchanges and mixers


Ideal tools for DYOR, stolen fund tracking, compliance, and forensic analysis



Builders' Swiss Army Knife

A powerful browser extension seaminglessly integrated efficient and security features into 10+ major blockchain explorers like Etherscan. Streamlining the workflow between popular tools.

The only security partner you need!

Security Code Auditing | Phalcon | MetaSleuth | MetaSuites and more
Testimonials and Endorsements

The Forta Community uses Phalcon and the broad range of Blocksec's investigative tooling (MetaSuites/ MetaSleuth) every day. BlockSec is a leader in this space and a crucial Forta partner securing the broader web3 ecosystem.

Christian Seifert
Research, Forta Foundation

BlockSec is a critical partner for Cobo. Their Phalcon platform is groundbreaking and marks a huge step forward in DeFi security. We're enthusiastic about partnering with such a dedicated team to develop robust security solutions for investors.

Discus Fish
CEO, Cobo

From a long-term security professional’s perspective, the Phalcon platform developed by BlockSec empowers us to respond to contingency security incidents with ease. The BlockSec team truly understands the real-world needs of us security engineers working on the frontlines.

Chiachih Wu
Research, Amber Group

We appreciate our partnership with BlockSec, enhancing Web3 security together. Their commitment to innovation has made a significant impact. As users of BlockSec's Phalcon - we can truly appreciate how these collaborations can push Web3 security forward together, as a community.

Or Dadosh
CEO, Ironblocks

Integrating BlockSec Phalcon with the Merlin chain has been a defining moment for us. As Merlin continues to grow and prosper, BlockSec Phalcon has been instrumental in creating a strong security shield for it. For anyone looking to secure their protocols and assets, Phalcon is unrivaled — I highly recommend it.

Core Contributor, Merlin

BlockSec has shown remarkable professionalism in smart contract audits. Their expertise in blockchain and smart contract technology, along with a meticulous approach, ensures thorough identification and resolution of security risks. We highly commend their professionalism and anticipate continued collaboration.

Security Lead, Matrixport

It's been a fantastic experience collaborating with BlockSec. You have shown your professionalism in the audit field, especially on the smart contract side.

Marco Sun
CEO, Ref Labs

With a keen eye for detail, the team identify potential vulnerabilities and provide robust solutions, ensuring our contracts are secure and optimized. For anyone in need of expert smart contract auditing, I cannot recommend BlockSec highly enough.

Rivers Yang
Core Developer, Octopus Network

The BlockSec team is very knowledgeable, punctual, responsive, and diligent during the entire audit process. We highly recommend BlockSec for any smart contract protocols who are seeking great value for money in the audit field.

Gillian Wu
Co-Founder, Neptune Mutual

I want to extend my sincerest appreciation to BlockSec for conducting a thorough audit of the Stratos project. Their meticulous approach and insightful feedback have significantly contributed to enhancing our project's security and reliability.

Bin Zhu
CEO, Stratos Network

It's also worthwhile to look into trustworthy auditing companies like @BlockSecTeam. Such audit reports are a gold mine of knowledge ⛏️🕯️

Adrian ⛩️ Hetman 🐺⚔️

I really like how MetaSleuth and Phalcon make it easier to investigate and understand on-chain attacks and hacks. The products work in a simple way but allow you to dig deep. Very happy with both.

Pablo Sabbatella
Head of Security Research, Blockfence

Committed to NFT-Fi security, we're partnering with the BlockSec team, security experts who helped save 2,909 ETH.


We have successfully recovered the 2.4 million USDC from the attacked contract. We would like to express our gratitude to the BlockSec team for their time and effort in helping us achieve a successful outcome.


With the help of BlockSec, about $246K attacked by the 4th attacker has been fully refunded.

Transit Swap

Thanks to the BlockSec team, who has intercepted 100% of the fund from the attacker that once took the unclaimed rewards from Trade Mining pool on Oct 1st.


The attack has been mitigated and all affected metapools have been paused. User funds are safe. Special thx to the BlockSec team for securing the 3.8m in vulnerable funds.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is there a need for real-time monitoring with Phalcon even after a code audit has been completed?

Firstly, code audits typically focus on issues of the code within the protocol itself, but the composability of DeFi introduces dependencies on external protocols, which can lead to security issues that are difficult to detect during audits and can result in protocol attacks. Secondly, minor code upgrades and configuration changes by project teams can trigger new security risks. Therefore, real-time monitoring after a project goes live is very important to effectively prevent security risks during its operation.

What sets Phalcon apart from other monitoring services in the market?

  • Speed & Accuracy: Phalcon stands out with swift and precise monitoring, extending beyond on-chain transaction detection to include mempool transactions, contracts, and proposals.
  • Automated Attack Blocking: The platform's automated response system activates immediately during attacks, eliminating the need for manual intervention and significantly reducing potential financial losses.
  • User-Friendly Platform: Phalcon provides an easy-to-use, no-code interface on its SaaS platform, enabling clients to effortlessly set up 24/7 security.
  • Proven Track Record: Prior to its release, Phalcon's technology has been tested in over 20 white-hat interventions, successfully recovering more than $15 million for various projects, demonstrating its reliability and effectiveness.

Can Phalcon conduct automated response actions for protocols managed by multi-sig wallets?

Absolutely. Phalcon supports automated responses for multi-signature managed protocols. You're welcome to sign up and try it out, or book a demo for further details.

Will Phalcon detect attacks originating from private transactions, such as those sent via Flashbot?

  • Firstly, only Ethereum includes privacy transaction services, so attack transactions on other chains can be detected in advance. Secondly, due to anonymity considerations, attackers prefer broadcasting over sending privacy transactions. According to our statistics, only about 3% of losses are through privacy transactions. Last but not least, Phalcon has the ability to early detect attack contracts, which allows it to sense risks in advance and respond automatically.
  • Additionally, even if the first attack transaction is not detected before it is added to the blockchain due to privacy transactions, Phalcon can still take immediate action after the transaction is added to the blockchain, thereby preventing subsequent losses.

With no mempool on Layer 2, how does Phalcon block attacks?

While it's not possible to reverse the initial attack transaction, over 95% of attacks consist of multiple transactions. Phalcon can detect the first transaction and swiftly respond to prevent subsequent ones, effectively preventing further losses.

As a client of Blocksec code audit, am I eligible for a discount on Phalcon?

Of course! We appreciate your trust in our services. Please contact us to discuss your eligibility for special discounts.

I run a blockchain and want Phalcon to monitor it for security. How can we get support fast?

You're making a wise decision! Enhancing the security of your chain and its ecosystem can bolster the confidence of LPs and investors, thereby increasing the total value locked (TVL) within your ecosystem. To expedite support, please book a call with us for a rapid assessment.

How do I choose the right Blocksec tool—MetaSuites, MetaSleuth, or Phalcon Explorer—as an on-chain user?

  • MetaSuites is a browser extension designed to enhance on-chain user experience and analytical efficiency. It modifies the UI of blockchain explorers like Etherscan, adding over 20 quick links to common products (e.g., debank, daub, evmstorage), provides access to over 300 million exclusive address tags from BlockSec, and supports transaction explanations with GPT, making it a life-saver for on-chain navigation.
  • MetaSleuth is ideal for analyzing the flow of funds between addresses. It meets the needs of institutional clients for criminal investigation and compliance, and for regular users, it offers insights into the wallets of hackers, whales, and celebrities, revealing hidden patterns and secrets.
  • Phalcon Explorer is a transaction analysis tool tailored for security researchers and developers. Unlike traditional explorers such as Etherscan, Phalcon Explorer reveals more transaction details, such as fund flows, balance changes and traces, and offers simulation and debugging features for in-depth analysis.