EVM Chain Security Audit Report
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Security Audit Report for PumpBTC Contracts

Security Audit Report for PumpBTC Contracts

The audit focuses on PumpBTC Contracts, enabling users to stake Wrapped Bitcoin tokens into the PumpStaking contract and mint pumpBTC tokens at a 1:1 ratio. These assets are then unwrapped into BTC for staking and rewards on Babylon. The protocol offers standard and instant unstake options with fees.

Security Audit Report for DeltaTrade

Security Audit Report for DeltaTrade

DeltaTrade is a multi-chain decentralized trading protocol that enhances user capabilities with sophisticated on-chain trading strategies such as Grid Trading, DCA, Rebalancing Grid, MultiChain Support, OrderBook, Full Platform Market Making and AI Powered Strategy.

Security Audit Report for BridgeV2 Contracts

Security Audit Report for BridgeV2 Contracts

Spherium Bridge utilizes LayerZero framework to bridge tokens from source chain to target chain.

Security Audit Report for WenCore

Security Audit Report for WenCore

WEN Protocol is a decentralized, censorship-resistant, and community-owned protocol that enables users to secure loans using Liquidity Staking Derivatives (LSDs) as collateral. These loans have minimal fees and provide up to 7x leverage, with repayments made in wenUSD.

Security Audit Report for Octopus Restaking

Security Audit Report for Octopus Restaking

The NEAR Restaking project is launched by Octopus Team, and aims at enhancing the utilization of NEAR. Any user can deposit NEAR assets into the Restaking protocol, which provides proof of stake to side chains registered with the protocol through a Restaking method. Users will not only earn rewards on NEAR but also receive token rewards from specific side chains. When a side chain's validator acts maliciously, users' assets may be at risk of being slashed.

Security Audit Report for Puffer Finance pufETH Contracts

Security Audit Report for Puffer Finance pufETH Contracts

Puffer is a decentralized native liquid restaking protocol (nLRP) built on Eigenlayer. It makes native restaking on Eigenlayer more accessible, allowing anyone to run an Ethereum Proof of Stake (PoS) validator while supercharging their rewards.

Security Audit Report for Cakepie Contracts

Security Audit Report for Cakepie Contracts

Cakepie is a yield optimization protocol built upon PancakeSwap. It enables users to manage PancakeSwap V2/V3 positions and claim rewards and convert their CAKE token or locked CAKE positions from PancakeSwap on Cakepie. Users with voting powers can vote in Cakepie and votes will be cast to Pancake’s GaugeVoting. Cakepie also incorporates a bribe market where users can add bribes that are distributed to active voters.

Security Audit Report for PancakeSwap VECake

Security Audit Report for PancakeSwap VECake

Pancake launched a governance project VECake for voting. VECake enables users to acquire voting powers by depositing their CAKE tokens. These voting powers empower users to vote on Pancake Gauge weights.

Security Audit Report for BurrowLand

Security Audit Report for BurrowLand

Burrowland is a decentralized lending and borrowing platform based on the NEAR blockchain. Burrowland allows users to lend tokens and earn interest, as well as borrow tokens by providing collateral and paying interest. All supplied collateral assets and borrowed assets for each account are used to compute the health factor of that account. If the health factor is less than 100%, it means the account can be partially liquidated and cannot borrow more without repaying some amount of the existing borrowed assets or providing additional collateral assets. It also provides a farming mechanism to incentivize users.

Security Audit Report for Ref Exchange

Security Audit Report for Ref Exchange

Ref-Exchange is a decentralized exchange (DEX) deployed on the NEAR blockchain by Ref Finance. The protocol implements different types of trading pairs based on token characteristics, such as simple pool, stable pool, and rated pool. For instance, for trading pairs involving stablecoins (i.e., stable pool), the protocol adopts the Curve model to minimize impermanent loss, fees, and slippage. Additionally, to facilitate user operations like providing liquidity and swapping, the protocol has implemented an internal account model. Users are required to pay a certain storage fee to register an internal account in order to interact with the protocol for fund transactions.

Security Audit Report for Magpie Radpie

Security Audit Report for Magpie Radpie

Magpie launched Radpie, a yield optimization protocol built upon Radiant. Users could deposit their assets on Radpie to earn enhanced yields.

Security Audit Report for EOS EVM

Security Audit Report for EOS EVM

The EOS EVM serves as an implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It is implemented in C++ and compiled to a WASM binary to be executed within the EOS blockchain. The EOS EVM utilizes a modified version of Silkworm and Evmone for the execution of the EVM operations.

Security Audit Report for StakeTogether st-v1-contracts

Security Audit Report for StakeTogether st-v1-contracts

StakeTogether is an Ethereum staking protocol designed especially for communities. It allows users to deposit ETH into staking pools and receive stpETH tokens as collateral. The purpose of StakeTogether is to facilitate the creation of validators on the Ethereum 2.0 beacon chain to support the security and operation of the entire Ethereum network.

Security Audit Report for Stratos Chain and Stratos Decentralized Storage (SDS)

Security Audit Report for Stratos Chain and Stratos Decentralized Storage (SDS)

Stratos is a decentralized data architecture. Stratos provides scalable, reliable, and self-balanced storage, database, and computation networks, creating a robust foundation for data processing.

Security Audit Report for Noah-DAO

Security Audit Report for Noah-DAO

Noah DAO is a decentralized exchange built on the EOS EVM. It introduces a mechanism to incentivize liquidity provision and active governance participation by rewarding users with protocol tokens and voting rights, thereby aligning interests within the ecosystem.

Security Testing Report for Radiant V2

Security Testing Report for Radiant V2

Radiant V2 is a cross-chain DeFi lending protocol developed by Radiant Capital. Radiant Capital has engaged us to perform security testing (as the red team) on the smart contracts of Radiant V2 to identify potential risks.

Security Audit Report for Aura

Security Audit Report for Aura

Aura Network is a high performance Layer1 ecosystem with built-in modularity, leading the mass adoption of Web3 in emerging markets. It has robust partnership network, expansive engineering resources and rich track record.

Security Audit Report for Phoenix Bonds

Security Audit Report for Phoenix Bonds

Phoenix Bonds is a principal-protected bonding platform that helps protocols with liquidity-bootstrapping, provides perpetually-boosted yield to users and works with all yield bearing assets.

Security Audit Report for PancakeSwap Cross Farming Contracts

Security Audit Report for PancakeSwap Cross Farming Contracts

PancakeSwap launched a cross farming project. It involves allowing users to deposit LP tokens on EVM-compatible chains to the MasterChefV2 contract on the Binance Smart Chain network using the cBridge SGN network as the cross-chain message forwarder.

Security Audit Report for Mellow Vaults

Security Audit Report for Mellow Vaults

The Mellow project provides an open platform for liquidity providers to earn rewards from their liquidities and strategists to earn performance fees by implementing active liquidity management strategies to manipulate the liquidities.

Security Audit Report for Multichain veMULTI Contracts

Security Audit Report for Multichain veMULTI Contracts

Multichain is the ultimate Router for web3. It is an infrastructure developed for arbitrary cross-chain interactions.

Security Audit Report for LiNEAR

Security Audit Report for LiNEAR

LiNEAR Protocol is a liquid staking solution built on the NEAR Protocol. LiNEAR unlocks liquidity of the staked NEAR by creating a staking derivative to be engaged with various DeFi protocols on NEAR and Aurora, while also enjoying over 10% APY staking rewards of the underlying base tokens. LiNEAR is the cornerstone piece of the NEAR-Aurora DeFi ecosystem.

Security Audit Report for Windranger Auction Contract

Security Audit Report for Windranger Auction Contract

Windranger facilitates the growth of mantle and web3 ecosystems by partnering with builders to architect extraordinary cultures globally. It provides long-term talent, recruitment, HR, and operations services for companies in the Web3 and Metaverse space - including DAOs.

Security Audit Report for Alpaca Delta Neutral Vault

Security Audit Report for Alpaca Delta Neutral Vault

The Alpaca Finance is a leveraged yield farming and liquidity providing protocol running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Fantom. The audited implementation extends the previous version by adding the support of a new Delta Neutral Vault and its associated workers, including the workers that support MDEX and PancakeSwap.

Security Audit Report for YPool Smart Contract

Security Audit Report for YPool Smart Contract

XY Finance is a cross-chain interoperability protocol aggregating DEXs & Bridges. With the ultimate routing across multi-chains, borderless and seamless swapping is just one click away.

Security Audit Report for Poly Contracts

Security Audit Report for Poly Contracts

Poly Network is a global cross-chain protocol for implementing blockchain interoperability and building Web3.0 infrastructure. Poly Network has connected a variety of over 35 different blockchains, including popular ones such as Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, and BNB Chain, as well as others such as Aptos, Optimism, Neo, Metis, and Gnosis Chain. Since the launch, the protocol has enabled cross-chain asset transfer of more than $16 billion USD.

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