Phalcon Fork

Collaborative Testing on Ethereum with Mainnet Forked Chains
Phalcon Fork enables collaborative testing during code deployment and upgrades. Unlike standard Ethereum testnet, it creates a real testing environment.

Use Cases

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Project Teams

Collaborative Testing

Phalcon Fork helps create a testnet forked from the mainnet. Protocols can be deployed into the testnet with dependent smart contracts mirrored from the mainnet. Other team members and users can test-run the protocols, creating a public testing model for thorough testing.

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Comprehensive Testing

A fork can be created at arbitrary block heights and positions for automated testing of new smart contracts and regression testing of contract upgrades. The built-in Phalcon Explorer facilitates the debugging of smart contracts.

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Security Researchers

Develop PoC

Past attack transactions can be debugged and tuned in Phalcon Fork, helping understand the root cause of a security vulnerability. A PoC of a zero-day vulnerability can be developed and verified before responsible disclosure.

Fork from Arbitrary Mainnet Height

Users can generate a Fork from any block or position on the mainnet. Unlike standard testnets, this approach creates an real testing environment, reflecting mainnet states and encompassing any protocol a DApp might depend on

Integrate with Development Frameworks

Transactions can be seamlessly sent to and executed within the Fork via the RPC endpoint. The integration of popular development frameworks such as Hardhat, Foundry, Truffle, Remix, and more, requires just ten or fewer lines of configuration

Empower Public-Testing Mode

The RPC of a Fork can be integrated into wallets like MetaMask, engaging users in the testing process and enabling the creation of a public testing app before launch. The built-in block explorer can provide a view of all transactions, similar to Etherscan

Versatile Utility Tools and Resources

Phalcon Scan (akin to Etherscan) provides detailed data on addresses and transactions within the Fork. The Faucet provides unlimited native tokens, while Phalcon Explorer assists in understanding and debugging transactions.


Collaboration among Developers

Phalcon Fork facilitates collaborative management, allowing seamless sharing among developers. Furthermore, users can actively engage in the testing process by adding an RPC endpoint into their wallets.


Fork Customization and CI Integration

Phalcon Fork offers the capability to customize block header parameters, allowing users to switch between snapshots. The REST APIs make it seamlessly integrate into the CI workflow.


Secure Every Deployment & Upgrade with Phalcon Fork

Phalcon Fork enables collaborative testing for smart contract development and upgrades, ensuring robust, secure, and nearly bug-free smart contracts.